The Overlooked Impact of ADHD

How mental health is important to identify and treat in ADHD

May, symbolizing renewal and growth as we plant our gardens and tend to them, has also become a month during which we acknowledge something just as prone to thriving or suffering due to inattention: our mental health. Mental Health Awareness Month, observed annually in May, has come to serve as a call to action for all of us to examine our mental health and treat it as importantly as any other physical aspect of our vitality.

In this newsletter, we take this a step further and examine mental health through the lens of a diagnosis that is increasingly present in our world: ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Those with ADHD often experience a cascade of symptoms that have a notable impact on their mental health, leading to additional challenges. However, with the right knowledge and support, those with ADHD and/or those with a loved one with ADHD can help identify any negative impacts on mental health and respond proactively.