This Leap Year…It’s All About Leaps!

Discover the developmental mental leaps of baby’s initial weeks

Ever heard of a baby leap? If you’re at all familiar with The Wonder Weeks book or app, you’re aware of the theories regarding changes in the perception of babies as they mature. Things that we adults perceive as reality once seemed as new, fascinating and sometimes as scary as it does to a little one fresh out of the womb. It may be tempting to think that the mind of an infant cannot possibly understand the complexities of this world as we do, given our knowledge and experience. But to actually consider what this world might look and feel like to new eyes is actually quite mind-blowing. While it’s a perception we adults will never truly revert to, The Wonder Weeks can help parents attempt to see things from their baby’s point of view in order to provide them with the input and comfort that will best support their mental, emotional and physical needs. Read on to discover what baby leaps are all about and find suggestions for activities to support their mental development!