We’ve all seen and heard the stereotype: Sally (who happens to live down by the seashore) can’t say her /s/ sounds, and it’s so darn cute. Cue speech therapy. While speech therapists are well versed in the area of correcting articulatory errors in children and/or adults alike, the practice of speech-language pathology encompasses so much more. Below are some reasons your child may need the help of a speech-language pathologist (SLP):
- Has difficulty producing one or more speech sounds
- Substitutes sounds
- Omits or adds sounds in words
- Is difficult to understand by familiar and/or unfamiliar listeners
Early Language Skills
- Does not babble or vocalize at an appropriate age
- Does not point to objects/items of interest
Receptive Language
- Cannot follow simple and/or multi-step verbal commands
- Does not appropriately respond to wh- questions
Expressive Language
- Does not ask wh-questions
- Exhibits frustration when attempting to communicate wants/needs/feelings
Social Communication
- Has a difficult time making friends
- Demonstrates limited eye contact
- Has difficulty initiating conversation with adults and/or peers
- Doesn’t “get” jokes, metaphors or similes
- Does not take interest in participating in social exchanges (i.e., ignores others)
Auditory Processing
- Can’t seem to recall a series of numbers and/or words
- Continually requires someone to repeat a question or command (i.e., “What?”)
- Seems to need “extra” time to understand and/or answer question
Feeding/Oral Motor Issues
- Refuses to eat a variety of foods
- Frequently coughs/gags on foods
- Refuses breast and/or bottle and demonstrates weight loss
Executive Functioning Skills
- Has difficulty remembering their homework assignments
- Has a hard time planning and organizing thoughts and actions
- Stutters
- Gropes mouth for sounds or words that don’t come out
Verbal Apraxia of Speech
- Gropes mouth for sounds or words that don’t come out
- Distorts vowel sounds
Decoding/Reading and Writing Comprehension
- Has difficulty reading age-appropriate text
- Can’t seem to recall details from stories read to self or aloud
- Has a difficult time writing book reports
Speech therapy for kids is so much more than getting their sounds right! The examples above are just a handful of challenges that speech-language pathologists treat. When in doubt, seek the advice of a licensed SLP as soon as you suspect difficulties- the earlier the intervention, the greater the success.