
The Controversy about the CDC’s Updated Developmental Milestones

By |2022-04-12T06:11:43+00:00April 12th, 2022|Newsletter|

  The Controversy about the CDC’s Updated Developmental Milestones Know the updates and the reasons behind some disagreements The CDC has been busy these past two years! Admidst the continued (but thankfully, diminishing) concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic and their subsequent statement releases regarding the virus, they have also revised a campaign that they established

Navigating the World of AAC

By |2022-03-03T11:31:24+00:00February 15th, 2022|News, Newsletter|

  Navigating the World of AAC An introduction to speech-generating devices and their benefits When someone is unfamiliar with what Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices are, a reference to Stephen Hawking—the former theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author who is world-renowed for his brilliance—is likely to help them understand. Hawking’s use of a speech-generating device

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